Moyeni WaterKiosk

Moyeni is a village in Kwale County, Kenya. Water pans and dams are the main sources of water for their livestock and households. Other water sources relied upon include boreholes, shallow wells, springs, natural ponds and rivers. Waterborn diseases are on the rise due to lack of safe drinking water.




Kwale County, Kenya


Solar-PV powered desalination


5,300 GPD

Product quality




Technology type

Reverse osmosis

Land footprint:


Solar energy and fresh water



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Project description

Moyeni is a village in Kwale County, Kenya. Water pans and dams are the main sources of water for their livestock and households. Other water sources relied upon include boreholes, shallow wells, springs, natural ponds and rivers. Waterborn diseases are on the rise due to lack of safe drinking water.

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How we reuse water

Groundwater wells located near the ocean often encounter saltwater intrusion as they pump more and more water. As a result, water that was once fresh can become salty and undrinkable over time and require treatment. Because desalination requires significant electricity to run high pressure pumps, solar energy is an ideal way to generate ‘off-grid’ energy that is both reliable and cost effective for desalination. This allows groundwater that would otherwise be unuseable to become a reliable source of additional water.

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